Saturday, April 7, 2012

Does Rachel Maddow have a point yes and no

I recently viewed this video

Does she have a pont for the yes part, if in fact they are not taking a roll call vote that the House procedure rules call for then she has a point on that part of it.  I believe rules should be followed by all concerned, as they were put in place for a reason.

Now for the no part, she shows what the state constitution says about how a bill goes into effect 90 days after the end of the session when it was passed, that is true.  She also shows where they can be given immediate effect with a 2/3 rds majority or super majority if you prefer, but notice how she sticks her word emergency in there, implying that there must exist and emergency to use this option, yet the state constitution doesn't say that at all.  This is the problem that all ideologs have instead of sticking to the issue were they believe the other party is doing wrong they cloud the issue with  fabrications, mis-information or out right lies, then wonder why no one will listen to them on the salient points.

Now as far as the Emergency Managers go I would have no problem if cities wish to opt out of the program provided they accept the following stipulation, that no state money would be used to bail them out from that point forward.  In other words if you take the money then you get our manager, if you don't take the money you can keep on running things yourself.  Lets face it Detroit is bankrupt from 50+ years of liberal Democratic Rule, the same can be said of every city and school district on the list that Ms. Maddow shows.  So what she is emplying is that they can waste our money anyway they choose and we should go on being taxed by Detroit (and others) without representation.  She complains that they have no democracy (they elected the councils and mayors that ran their city into the gound, Coleman Young and Kwame Kilpatrick are perfect examples of the mentality that put them in the position they now find themselves) what about us in the rest of the state who have to pay their way out of insolvency, what about our rights?  Ms. Maddow is silent on this issue.

So when should the state or federal government intervene, that is the real question posed by this emergency manager bill.   I would bet Ms. Maddow thinks it was appropriate for the government to intervene like it did in Brown vs. The Board of Education, and I would agree, but wouldn't it also be right for the state to intervene in the Detroit Public Schools because they are absolutely failing the students, the city, the state and the nation when they condemn so many people to a second rate education while they waste millions of taxpayer dollars?  Is not the School System of Detroit violating the civil rights of the students when they fail to give them an education that will make the prosperous and productive citizens?
So I say count the votes yes, pay for bailouts without control no.

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